What tests are used to diagnose CLL?

There are signs and symptoms that might suggest a person has chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), but tests are needed to be certain of a CLL diagnosis. They may include:

Blood Test Icon

1. Blood tests.
Diagnosing CLL usually begins with a routine blood test called a complete blood count, or CBC—which measures the number of different types of cells in a sample of a person’s blood, including white blood cells. If CLL is suspected, further tests are required to confirm a diagnosis.

Protein Test Icon

2. Protein test.
This test is used to help confirm a CLL diagnosis. CLL cells have distinctive markers, called cell surface proteins, on the outside of the cell. The pattern of these markers is called the immunophenotype (IMyoo-noh-FEEN-oh-type).

Immunoglobulin Test Icon

3. Immunoglobulin test.
People with CLL often have low levels of immunoglobulins, which are the “antibodies” made by B cells in healthy individuals to protect the body from infection. This test provides a measurement of the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood.

Genomic and Molecular Test Icon

4. Genomic and molecular testing.
Your doctor may recommend testing for specific genes, proteins, chromosome changes, and other factors unique to the leukemia. These tests can determine how quickly the disease will progress and can help define treatment options.

Imaging Test Icon

5. Imaging tests.
These tests are rarely needed to diagnose CLL, but are sometimes used before treatment to find all areas of the body that are affected by CLL or to find out whether particular symptoms may be related to CLL. Imaging may also be used to see how well treatment is working.

Bone Marrow Biopsy Icon

6. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.
A bone marrow biopsy is usually not needed to diagnose CLL, but may be done before beginning treatment. The test results can help rule out other diseases during the diagnostic stage and they can also be used later, during treatment, to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

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